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We want you to have a seamless and enjoyable experience from start to finish. To that end, we’ve compiled a FAQ list below that covers the most common questions we receive. Have a look and if there’s something missing, please send us an email or give us a call and we’ll be happy to help out.

What form of payment is accepted?

 We accept Visa, MasterCard and American Express. All credit card orders should be placed via fax or phone. For new customers using a purchase order, an account will need to be established. Please forward your company’s credit information along with your first order. Direct bank payments can also be arranged.


For customers using purchase orders, credit terms are 1% 10, Net 30.

What’s the minimum order amount?

 Our minimum order is $100.

Which countries do you ship to?

 We will ship to any country, however, all items need to be able to clear customs both in the United States and the destination country. Currently we regularly ship to a dozen countries spread around the globe.

Is there a difference between "Melt Index Brushes" and the "Barrel Brushes"?

The melt index brushes listed are the diameter sizes most requested by labs performing the melt index or rheometer tests. The barrel brushes are used to clean a variety of lab tubes and machine parts. However, brushes are interchangable with the end users preference.

Which brush is recommended for my machine?

The diameter of the barrel that you are cleaning would dictate the size brush you require. We recommend the .406" diameter brush (#11012) for your melt indexer, however any of the brushes listed in the Melt Index Brush section are regularly ordered.


Can a brush be used more than once?

Although we do not recommend more than one time usage, many customers use the same brush for several cleanings. It mainly depends on what polymer you are testing.

Why use a brush and a patch to clean the machine?

The brush helps to remove stubborn deposits while the patch helps to absorb and wipe away residue.


What is an orifice brush?

The orifice brush was designed by our company to remove any polymer that remains in the die after the testing is completed. By using a brush instead of a drill-bit, you maintain the integrity of future tests.


What difference is there for the stainless steel and bronze orifice brushes?

We recommend using brushes with a brass or bronze fill because it is softer wire than steel. Some customers feel that a stainless steel orifice brush cleans better because of the density of the polymer being tested. This brush is still better than using a drill-bit that could change the diameter of the die.

Are there any negative affects to the MI barrell using the stainless steel rods?

No, the rod was designed to be used in the melt index and will not scratch or damage the barrel.

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